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Ontario Business Register Goes Live

Written by Foster Moore | 20 October 2021

Foster Moore is excited to see the launch of the Ontario Business Registry.  Announced by Ross Romano, Minister of Government and Consumer Services for Ontario, on 19 October 2021 the new Ontario Business Registry will make it easier, simpler, and more affordable for millions of businesses and not-for-profit corporations to access Ontario’s government services.

The newly launched Ontario Business Registry gives businesses and not-for-profit corporations direct access to online transactions, including:

  • Incorporating a business corporation (filing articles of incorporation) under the Business Corporations Act
  • Incorporating a not-for-profit corporation (filing articles of incorporation) under the Not-for-Profit Corporations Act
  • Searching for or registering a business name, for a sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation, under the Business Names Act
  • Renewing, amending, or canceling a business name under the Business Names Act
  • Filing an initial return or a notice of change, for an Ontario corporation or an extra-provincial corporation, under the Corporations Information Act
  • Filing an annual return, for an Ontario corporation or an extra-provincial corporation, under the Corporations Information Act
  • Filing articles of continuance, to transfer an extra-provincial corporation into Ontario, under the Business Corporations Act
  • Searching the public record and ordering a search product (for example, a business’ profile report)

Transactions can be performed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, making it easier for millions of businesses and not-for-profit corporations to interact with the Ontario government.

Foster Moore have worked with the fantastic team at the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services deploying our Catalyst™ Registry product to ensure that the registry provides the very best experience for users and registry staff in Ontario.

You can visit the Ontario Business Registry here